Friday, April 22, 2016

Friday, Apr 22

Friday, Apr 22
A. Squat Snatch; build to a tough single 
B1. Clean Grip RDL; 6-8 reps x 4 sets; rest 10 sec 
-135 lbs 8 reps every round UB 
B2. Box Jumps; x 4 sets; step down/rest 3min (as high as possible) 
43" from stand still 
3 Rounds: 
20 Power Snatch @ 55# 
40 Wall Balls 
60 Double Unders 

I did first two rounds of snatches unbroken and a consistent pace, last round I did 10+10.
wall balls 15-15-10 every round with approx 5 sec rest between. And first round unbroken on dubs then 30-30 on last two rounds

Split times 

Bike 80 cals
Row 117 cals
Run consistent pace. I love running 

Overall awesome training session. Power snatches are my fave, power doesn't cause any pain in my lower back. A lot of heavy squat snatches do, just a side note! 

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Wed April 13th

Wednesday, Apr 13
A. Split Jerk; 8 singles @ 88%; rest 2min
-all @ 180lbs
B. Banded Hand Stand Push ups; 2 reps x 12 sets; rest as needed (do them this week like i showed you via text video) I could not do this one too well I ordered a new resistance band. I think mine is too tight I could barely kick up. So I did them regular strict and struggle... Totally not cool this has got to be by far my biggest weakness. I got them done but only just
C1. Strict Weighed Pull-ups; 2-3 reps x 4 sets; rest 10 sec 
26lb KB 
C2. Strict Pull-ups; 10 reps x 4 sets; rest 20 sec 
C3. Ring Row; 15 reps x 4 sets; rest 3min 
5 Sets: 
Run 200m 
5 Muscle Ups 
9 HandStand Pushups 
Run 100m 
3 Muscles Ups 
7 Hand Stand Push-ups 
Run 50m 
1 Muscle Ups 
5 Hand Stand Push-ups 
rest 90 seconds bw sets

I had another not so great session today, I didn't miss any lifts but definitely felt REALLY heavy. I really excited to train with people on Friday! Think I was lagging alone today. The muscle up workout was great because I had so many reps to do in small sets I didn't miss any and I could really start feeling the movement more. I am trying to get my hips higher but my legs shoot right up. (Text video) 
When I try and leave my feet down and pop my hips up it looks so sloppy. Maybe a que I'm missing. I feel so much better and I have improved A LOT the don't feel so exhausting, it feels smoother, I put more aggression into the movement since I've gained more confidence. 

Monday April 11th

Monday, Apr 11
A. Squat Clean; x 5 sets; rest 20 sec; rest 2min 
Set 1- 125
Set 2- 145
Set 3- 155
Set 4- 165
Set 5- 165

Felt great, no misses. Working on dropping into the bottom of the squat clean rather than lowering myself down. 
B. Front Squat; 3 reps x 5 sets; rest 2min 
My legs were pretty smoked, felt so weak today. 
All sets at 165

C1. GH Raises; 8 reps x 3 sets; rest 30 sec 
C2. SlideBoard Hamstring Curls; 10 reps x 3 sets; rest 30 sec
C3. Natural Knee Extensions; 10 reps x 3 sets; rest 30 sec 
C4. Supine Leg Whipe; 10 reps/side x 3 sets; rest 30 sec
Good, lower back got tight during these
EMOM for 8min
4 TnG Squats Cleans @ 125#
4 BBJ AFAP @ 20" 
My back was so shot. I did the first round squat tng but my back was on fire, legs were lame. then did power cleans, no pain for power cleans.
rest min 
EMOM for 8min 
15 Wallball (10ft)
6 Bar Facing Burpees AFAP 

I DIED... I felt so defeated during this. Such a shit session, I did first two rounds and finished at like 55-57 seconds. Then I had to drop to 10 + 4... I was moving fast but couldn't get it done fast enough. 

First time I have felt so blah during a session, I had a lot of sun this weekend and tried yoga for the first time. It was intense and very sweaty but I'm not sore from it. Stress levels are slightly higher than usual also. 
Assault Bike 15min @ 150 BPM 

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Tuesday April 5

Tuesday, Apr 5
A. CARs (full body) 
B1. Double Unders; 100 for time x 4 sets; rest 20 seconds 
B2. Farmers Carry; 100' x 4 sets; rest 2min (as heavy as possible) 
Set 1- UB & UB farmer
Set 2- 83dubs+17 & UB farmer
Set 3- UB & UB
Set 4- 48 +52 dubs & UB farmers
Forearms burned about 5 minutes after completion 

C1. Strict TTB; 8-10 reps x 3 sets; rest 20 sec 
I completed 10 reps unbroken every time. 
C2. Stability Ball Rollouts; 10 reps x 3 sets; rest 20 sec 
C3. Side Plank w Leg ABdcution; 25 sec/side x 3 sets; rest 1min 
Unbroken, felt it in my ass cheek 
8 Sets (keep HR bw 150-170): 
Row 90 sec
rest 30 sec 

8 Sets (keep HR bw 150-170): 
Assault 90 sec 
rest 30 sec 

Assault 8 Sec @ 100% 
Assault easy for 1:22
x8 sets
90-93 RPM for every set of 8 sec @ 100%

Monday, April 4, 2016

Monday April 4th

Monday, Apr 4
A. Squat Clean; x 4 sets; rest 20 sec; rest 2min 
4-155 (last rep 165)
Felt great. No misses

B. Front Squat; 5x5; rest 2min 
3-175 re-racked at rep 3 then did 2 no more than 5 secs just to catch breath, felt like I couldn't get enough oxygen 
4-175 re-racked at 2 then did 3
5-175 4 reps, racked then 1 more. 
Would you like me to go for an ambitious weight that I may not be able to do unbroken or a weight I know I can do An easy 5 reps without reracking?

C1. GH Raises; 6 reps x 3 sets; rest 30 sec 
C2. SlideBoard Hamstring Curls; 8-10 reps x 3 sets; rest 30 sec
C3. Natural Knee Extensions; 8-10 reps x 3 sets; rest 30 sec 
C4. Supine Leg Whipe; 8 reps/side x 3 sets; rest 30 sec
Good but kept cramping in supporting leg hamstring
EMOM for 5min
4 TnG Squats Cleans @ 135#
Getting out of the squat was no joke... Legs were smoked. But got it done and unbroken
EMOM for 5min
8 BBJ AFAP @ 20" 
Finished every set in 25 secs
EMOM for 5min
10 OHS @ 75#
3 sets I only did 8 reps... Wrists bothered me the most. Last two sets I did 10 reps
EMOM for 5min
15 Wallball (10ft)
Was so smoked lol but got it done, redlining through he last 3 sets but did it unbroken.

Such a great training session, thank you!!